英文摘要 |
The aim of this thesis is to narrate Buddha' s enlightened progress, meditation and supernormal power, by using the content from Agama sutra(含經) and Viyana Pitaka(律藏). From the exploration of the sutra, the thesis will discuss how sutra' s literacy functions while it spread and interpreted the Buddha Dharma. By narrating the “events”, “position”, “location” and “time”, it gives a direction to the readers that how Agama depicts “Meditation and Supernormal power” in a very unique way. Furthermore, the full text about Sakyamuni Buddha' s enlightened progress is only shown inside the Vinava-pitaka of Mūlas arvā sti-vāda Sanghabhedavastu (根本說一切有部破僧事) and single volume of Biography of the Buddha. The contents are mostly similar, however at the parts where the Buddha expelled the Mara makes their major differences. The content of this thesis is going to analyze every meditative and supernormal power settings inside the Milasarvasti-vada Sanghabhedavastu and gives a different angle of view with narratology and phrasing methods. Especially, the writer sets more attention on the part where Buddha subduing Mara and the uniqueness of this occasional scene. In addition, by using the style of narratology, Buddha’s enlightened progress about meditation and supernormal power will have a diverse explanatory aspect. |