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To exam and summary the “references” for “The Four books selected sentences” edit by Chu His
作者 陳逢源黃瀚儀
“The Four books selected sentences' edited by Chu His (1130-1200AD), influencing permanent. From Song dynasty, it is always the core of the Confucianists classic and the importance should be doubtlessly. However, he did not clearly point out where the reference came from, because this fashion is very different from standard researcher's attitude, even causing the debate between Han and Song. This difference also affects the point of view to interpret “The Four books selected sentences” for the later researchers, so there appear “cherish the past” and “innovation' two different contestation. This paper base on the earlier research, trying to find out the “references” for “The Four books selected sentences', where the part of classics contents 69 categories, the part of history contents 16 categories; philosophy is 27 and literature is 8, total are 120 categories. Among these, 61 categories were written by the time of Song, almost the half number of total, for the sake of convenient, it is reasonable. Chu His wildly use the classics and no obvious tendency. We attempt to exam and summary the “references” for “The Four books selected sentences” by the this paper, and to appease the dissension mention earlier. On the other hand, we also want to understand more clear of the “mixing process in “The Four books selected sentences’.
起訖頁 147-179
關鍵詞 四書朱熹考據學理學The Four BooksChu HisTo investigate (the past, for errors)the moral theories of the Suhngs Neo-Confucian scholars
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 200506 (3期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 再論杜詩中的鷙鳥象徵
該期刊-下一篇 論《許三觀賣血記》的文學質素




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