荀子兵學理論之齊魯學基礎 Xunzi's Military Theory and Studies of Qi-Lu
春秋鄭公子子家葬儀問題探究 ──兼論魯國叔孫豹之葬禮問題 On Funeral Ceremony of Zheng Zi-Jia and Shusun Bao of Lu in the Spring and Autumn Period
從祭祀類型談東周的祭祖齋戒日程 On the Zhai-Jie Process in Eastern Zhou From the Kinds of Ancestor Worship
《旅順博物館所藏甲骨》所見背甲指瑕 A Comment on Carapaces in Oracle Bone Collections in Lvshun Museum
敦煌吐魯番文獻展現的《孝經》今古文 Jinwen Xiaojing and Guwen Xiaojing in Dunhuang and Tulufan Documents
歷史•象徵•敘述: 論〈汪信之一死救全家〉的反諷敘述與政治批判 History, Symbol, Narrative: the Ironic Narrative and Political Criticism in “Wang Xinzhi’s Death, and How It Saved His Whole Family”