宋代的古賦批評與《楚辭》論述 Criticism on Ancient Fu and The Songs of Chu in Song Dynasty
漢儒、書賈與作家:論《棠陰比事》在江戶初期之傳播 Confucians, Publishers and Writers: the Spread of T'ang-yin-pi-shih in early Edo Japan
千里鏡、鹿毛筆、寄生螺:徐葆光使琉詞中的航海經驗與異國見聞 Telescope, Deer Writing Brush, Parasitic Snail: the Sailing and Foreign Observation in Xu Baoguang's Ci During the Imperial Mission to Ryukyu
宦官、俠妓和女夷:《血影石》中的邊緣人物與異域想像 Re-ordering A Loyalist's Death: Marginal Characters and Foreign Lands in The Rock with Shadows of Blood