清華中文學報 Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies |
201906 (21期)期所有篇 |
- 傳抄古文「示」部疏證二十六則 A Study of the Twenty-six Items with the Shi 示 Radical in the Transcription of Ancient Chinese Words
- 「督責」論述與深層的「殺力」觀念的結合──李斯合理化「督責之術」的論述 Li Si's Discourse on Duze: Integrating the Concept of Depleting Manpower and Material Resources to Legitimate Despotic Rule
- 《續金瓶梅》的歷史觀照與人倫籲求──以吳月娘母子離散敘事為考察中心 Reflections on History and Ethics in the Xu jin ping mei
- 峭壁空中湧聖泉:江戶禪林有馬湯山地景文學探析 Holy Springs Pouring from the Cliff: An Analysis of Buddhist Landscape Literature on Arima Yuyama in the Edo Period
- 〈舜典〉不亡:毛奇齡考辨〈舜典〉析論 The “Shundian" Has not Been Lost: An Analysis of Mao Qiling's Study of the “Shundian"
- 都市新型空間與情感表述:公園與上海都市小說 New Types of Urban Space and the Portrayal of Emotions: Parks and Shanghai Urban Fiction