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Reflections on History and Ethics in the Xu jin ping mei
作者 李志宏 (Chih-Hung Lee)
本文對於《續金瓶梅》的研究,認為丁耀亢有意通過「演義正體」的編創,在宋金戰亂的時空背景之中,深入敷演吳月娘與孝哥離散的敘事,提供讀者一個審視家國存續問題的歷史觀照角度,並且藉以表達重振人心善根的人倫籲求,進而編創一則勸世寓言。基於上述認識,本文主要立足於演義編創的觀點之上,針對吳月娘母子聚散離合的敘事內容進行分析,期能深入解讀丁耀亢編創《續金瓶梅》演義的作書主意。本文主要論述重點有二:其一,關於歷史觀照方面,探討丁耀亢如何從吳月娘母子聚散離合的敘述中,觀照天下無道的歷史現實,以此寄託家國存續的政治關懷;其二,關於人倫籲求方面,探討丁耀亢如何從吳月娘母子聚散離合的敘述中,探求母子終能團圓的成因,並寄託引獻讀者良心的思想主張,從中表達重振人倫的經世期望。 This article argues that through the separation of Wu Yueniang 吳月娘 and her son Xiaoge 孝哥, Ding Yaokang 丁耀亢, the author of the Xu jin ping mei 續金瓶梅, offers readers a way of looking at family continuation from a historical perspective. Set during the war between the Song 宋 and Jin 金, Ding creates an allegory of family and nation in an effort to emphasize the search for correct governance. Based on the historical characteristics of the book, I advance two important arguments. First, I assert that Ding Yaokang expresses his idea of uniting the family and saving the nation through the separation and reunion of Wu Yueniang and Xiaoge. Second, I argue that Ding attempts to focus the readers' attention on ethical concerns via their reunification. With these two arguments, I hope to explain Ding's motivations for writing the Xu jin ping mei.
起訖頁 81-128
關鍵詞 丁耀亢續金瓶梅演義續書寓言Ding Yaokang丁耀亢Xu jin ping mei續金瓶梅yanyi演義sequelsallegory
刊名 清華中文學報  
期數 201906 (21期)
出版單位 國立清華大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 「督責」論述與深層的「殺力」觀念的結合──李斯合理化「督責之術」的論述
該期刊-下一篇 峭壁空中湧聖泉:江戶禪林有馬湯山地景文學探析




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