清華中文學報 Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies |
201506 (13期)期所有篇 |
- 讀書如何成為一種工夫──朱子讀書法的工夫論研究 How Studying Becomes a Skill─On the Theory of Cultivation in Zhu Xi’s 朱熹 Method of Study
- 民國肇建前新竹地區鸞書使用《詩經》表現探論 The Use of the Shijing 詩經 in Phoenix Books鸞書 Published in Hsinchu before the Republican Period
- 中古漢譯佛經和敦煌變文中由「於」引出的賓語小句 On the Objective Complement Clause Introduced by Yu 於 in Translated Chinese Buddhist Sutras and Dunhuang Bianwen 敦煌變文
- 論「嚴羽劉辰翁詩論並稱」的基礎、背景和意義 On the Basis, Background and Significance of Juxtaposed Comparisons between Yan Yu 嚴羽 and Liu Chen-weng 劉辰翁
- 清末民初的「鬼」與「照相術」──狄葆賢《平等閣筆記》中的現代性魅影 “Ghosts” and “Photography” in Early 20th Century China: The Phantom of Modernity in Di Baoxian’s 狄葆賢 Pingdeng ge biji 平等閣筆記
- 創傷歷史與集體記憶──作為交流型記憶和文化記憶的文學 Traumatic History and Collective Memory – Literature as Communicative and Cultural Memory
- 作為樂道者的孔子──論理學家對孔子形象的建構及其思想史意義 Confucius as One Who Finds Joy in the Dao 道 On the Neo-Confucian Reinterpretation of Confucius’Image and its Significance for Intellectual History