清華中文學報 Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies |
201212 (8期)期所有篇 |
- 四明知禮「是心作佛,是心是佛」的詮釋及其理論意涵 The Interpretation and Theoretical Meaning of Siming Zhili’s “The Mind Becomes a Buddha” and “The Mind Is a Buddha”
- 墜入魔道的古音學家──論龍為霖《本韻一得》及其音學思想 An Archaic Chinese Phonologist Gone Astray: On Weilin Long’s Benyun Yide 《本韻一得》 and His Thought of Music Temperament
- 《上博七‧君人者何必安哉》「州徒之樂」考 A New Interpretation of the Phrase “Zhoutu zhi yue” 「州徒之樂」 from Batch Seven of the Collection of Chu Bamboo Slips at the Shanghai Museum
- 從陳子龍的《莊子》詮釋論其詩觀與生命抉擇 Chen Zilong’s 陳子龍 Interpretation of the Zhuangzi《莊子》and its Relation to His Poetics and Life Choices
- 史學視野下的集部「私傳」書寫:試論歐陽修〈桑懌傳〉的文史意義 Reading Biographical Writings from a Historical Perspective: On the Literary and Historical Significance of Ouyang Xiu 歐陽修’s “Biography of Sang Yi”
- 晚清文學和文化研究的新課題
- 放逐抒情:從徐遲的抒情論說起 Lyricism in Exile: Xu Chi and His Critics
- 融合與交涉:中古時期的佛道關係研究回顧 Syncretism and Interaction: A Review of Scholarship on the Relationship between Medieval Buddhism and Daoism