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Chen Zilong’s 陳子龍 Interpretation of the Zhuangzi《莊子》and its Relation to His Poetics and Life Choices
作者 謝明陽
The Yun-Jian school 雲間派 of the late Ming represents the third climax of Ming dynasty classical poetics. Although the adherents of the school produced no comprehensive works on the Zhuangzi《莊子》, their leader, Chen Zilong 陳子龍, composed two essays on the text, his On Zhuang Zhou〈莊周論〉and the Preface to Tanzi’s Works on Zhuangzi and Li Sao 〈譚子莊騷二學序〉. Chen once referred to himself as “Dazun” 大樽, a phrase derived from the Xiaoyao you 〈逍遙遊〉 chapter of the Zhuangzi, which suggests that Chen’s view of the text is worth exploring in greater detail. This article first discusses Chen’s On Zhuang Zhou, written in the fifth year of the Chongzhen 崇禎 reign (1632 A.D.), and compares it to works of the same title penned by two poets of the Ji Society 幾社, Song Cunbiao 宋存標 and Zhou Lixun 周立 勳. Through an analysis of Chen’s image of Zhuangzi, the article uncovers the melancholy intent hidden in classical poetics. It then turns to a discussion of the Preface to Tanzi’s Works on Zhuangzi and Li Sao, which Chen completed on the eve of the Ming dynasty’s collapse. This work reveals Chen’s indecision with respect to Zhuangzi and Quzi 屈子, as well as the dilemma he faced in deciding which thinker to follow. Even though Chen ended his life as Qu Yuan 屈原 did, Zhuangzi’s mode of thinking played an important role in his decision making process.
起訖頁 155-189
關鍵詞 莊子屈原晚明雲間派陳子龍ZhuangziQu Yuanthe late Ming Dynastythe Yun-Jian SchoolChen Zilong
刊名 清華中文學報  
期數 201212 (8期)
出版單位 國立清華大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 《上博七‧君人者何必安哉》「州徒之樂」考
該期刊-下一篇 史學視野下的集部「私傳」書寫:試論歐陽修〈桑懌傳〉的文史意義




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