清華中文學報 Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies |
201206 (7期)期所有篇 |
- 論朱子《詩集傳》對二〈南〉修齊治平之道的開展 A Discussion of Zhu Xi’s Commentaries of “Zhou Nan” and “Zhao Nan” in Collected Commentaries on the Book of Songs Regarding the Development of “Practice Self Cultivation, Govern the Family, Run the Country Well, and Conquer the World”
- 〈樂記〉「物感」美學的理論建構及其價值意義 The Theoretical Construction of the Aesthetics of “Wu gan” and its Meaning in “Yue ji”
- 張賢亮小說中知識分子的身體/心靈史──以《感情的歷程》為例 The Body/Mind Expression of the Intellectual in Zhang Xianliang’s Novels: The Case of The Course of Feelings
- 元好問杜詩學探析 Yuan Haowen’s Exploration of Du Fu’s Poetry
- 「傳」「狀」作為文學類型之美感特質 The Aesthetic Qualities of the “Zhuan” and “Zhuang” Literary Genres