彰化師大國文學誌 NCUE Journal of Chinese Studies |
201406 (28期)期所有篇 |
- 《開平四集》的上京書寫 A Discussion on Kaiping Si Ji's Writings about Shangdu
- 乘時因勢--《淮南子》的時勢觀探析 Using the Best Timing and Obeying the Best Circumstances, One Study of the Concepts "Timing" and "Circumstances" from Huai-Nan-Zi
- 《陳摶高臥》之版本保存及其異文研究 The research about versions of "Chen Tuan were worry-freely to sleep in Tai Shan" and different texts in them
- 流動的陣法--兵法中的氣論 The Theory of Chi-Transformation in the Art of War
- 「文章要有本領」--方東樹論漢宋之爭 "It Takes Integrity to Write": Fang Dong Shu and the Han-Song Polemic
- 〈虎姑婆〉的原型分析--以過渡儀式與母權思維為核心 An analysis of the archetype in "Grandmother Tiger": focusing on rites of passage and the notion of matriarchy
- 華、夷再變:論《女仙外史》中的秩序觀想像 Re-ordering Hua-Yi: The imagined concept of order in "Female fairy Unofficial History (Nv Xian Wai Shi)"