星狀神經節阻斷對於裴耳氏麻痺患者所產生頭頸部及上肢之生理反應與臨床療效 Effects of Stellate Ganglion Block on Physical Change of Head, Neck and Upper Extremities and Effectiveness of Treatment in Bell's Palsy Patients
比較Ropivacaine/Lidocaine單一劑量同時在術中麻醉與術後止痛之效果 Comparison of Ropivacaine and Lidocaine to Provide for Both Perioperative Anesthesia and Postoperative Analgesia with One Single Dose
應用維生素C&OH-Bl2和引發點注射治療持續性腹痛的案例報告 Relief of Persistent Abdominal Pain by the Combination Treatment of Trigger Point Blocks, Vitamin C and OH-B12