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Exemplary Practices in Kidney Care: Sharing the Experience of " Disease Care Certification"
作者 張鈺靆高銀璞王曉菁楊韻紅鄭仲益

2019年8月,本院腎臟團隊首次參與醫策會「腎臟病照護品質認證」,在委員查核下通過認證。近三年來,本院透過外部審核和交流,不斷增強自身實力,凝聚成員共識,進行腎臟照護標準化。以「病人為中心」執行醫療服務,促進跨領域合作,拓展研究領域。本團隊亦致力於品質改進和減少異常發生,建立新透析中心積極應對COVID-19及其他嶄新挑戰。在數位轉型過程中,本院更引進電子病歷智慧輔助系統,利用One System整合平台提升照護效率。同時,針對末期腎病(Pre-ESRD)5期病人,提前啟動醫病共享決策(SDM),成立「愛腎家族」群組,強調醫療團隊成員和病人之間的合作。在高品質連續性照護基礎上,為急性腎損傷、慢性腎臟病、和需要透析的病人建立全面性的照護機制。



In August 2019, our hospital’s renal team participated for the first time in the Disease-Specific Care Kidney Disease certification program and achieved certification from the Joint Commission of Taiwan. Over the preceding three years, this team has consistently strengthened itself through external audits and exchanges, fostering consensus among its members and achieving standardization in renal care. Focusing on patient-centered care, the team’s main goals are to enhance core medical services, promote cross-disciplinary integration, and expand research areas. Our team is also dedicated to improving quality of care and mitigate anomalies. Furthermore, a new dialysis center was established to proactively respond to COVID-19 and other emerging challenges. During the digital transformation process, our hospital introduced an intelligent electronic medical record assistance system and utilized the One System integration platform to enhance care efficiency. For patients with stage 5 pre-end-stage renal disease, we proposed early shared decision-making standards, established a “Love Kidney Family” group, and emphasized the importance of collaboration between healthcare providers and patients. These initiatives were aimed at developing a foundation for offering comprehensive, high-quality care for patients with acute kidney injury, chronic kidney disease, and those requiring dialysis.


起訖頁 042-046
關鍵詞 財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會(醫策會)腎臟病照護品質認證COVID-19醫病共享決策Joint Commission of TaiwanDisease Specific Care - Kidney Disease (DSC-KD) certification programCOVID-19SDM
刊名 醫療品質雜誌  
期數 202409 (18:5期)
出版單位 財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會
該期刊-上一篇 護理資訊人才培訓計畫之推動與成效
該期刊-下一篇 失智照護有醫靠-失智症照護品質認證經驗分享




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