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A Reliable Medical Team for Dementia Care - The Experience Sharing of Disease Specific Care – Dementia Certification Program
作者 陳奕雯周欣柔陳泓儒 (Hung-Ju Chen)




Taiwan is on the verge of becoming a super-aged society, with the number of people suffering from dementia rapidly increasing. Disability, behavioral and psychological symptoms caused by dementia impose a heavy burden on caregivers. The medical and long-term care of dementia is crucial in Taiwan. To optimize the quality of care, our hospital participated in the disease specific care – dementia certification program. During the process of certification, interdisciplinary collaboration is the most important. Following the guidelines from the Joint Commission of Taiwan, we established a team that features extensive holistic dementia care. We care “whole family”, providing necessary support to caregivers of patients with dementia, and counseling through shared decision making. We offer “whole team” care from different healthcare professionals. Through case management, patients’ conditions are followed regularly from the very mild stage to the end stage as “whole course” care. We built a strong connection with public agencies and local dementia care stations to create a “whole community” network. The establishment of consistent care processes and indicators to assess the quality of care marks the value of care certification program. The experience is shared with all professionals who exert efforts to improve dementia care.


起訖頁 048-051
關鍵詞 失智症疾病照護品質認證跨專業共同合作醫療品質dementiaDisease Specific Care Certificationinterdisciplinary collaborationhealth care quality
刊名 醫療品質雜誌  
期數 202409 (18:5期)
出版單位 財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會
該期刊-上一篇 腎病照護卓越實踐:疾病認證經驗分享
該期刊-下一篇 透析生命線跨領域團隊療護與建立療護網




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