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Research on Customer Profile Factors of Cultural and Creative Products
作者 陳殿禮朱蕊
As a new industry that promotes the economy through culture, the cultural and creative industries are currently facing the problem that industries depend on policy support, and small and medium-sized enterprises are separated from government funding and are difficult to capture the target customer group.. Based on the composition of client profiles, this study invited fifteen experts from ""economic management"", ""culture and design"" and ""professionals in the cultural and creative industry"" to use the Delphi fuzzy method to assess the ""factors of client profile of culture and creativity "". products. ""The purpose of the research is to explore the composition of the customer profile factors of cultural and creative products, in order to provide a theoretical basis for the design and development of cultural and creative products to describe the target customer group.This research finally obtained five dimensions of the customer profile of cultural and creative products, namely: demographic variables, psychological factors, field of consumption, state of consumption and consumption decision-making. Among them, the dimensions of the ""demographic variables"" include: age, gender, nationality, place of residence, level of education, amount of income and family life cycle. Dimensions of ""psychological factors"" include: values, lifestyle, consumer demand, and purchase motivation. The dimension ""field of consumption"" includes: network, entity. The dimensions of the ""state of consumption"" include: consumption time, consumption frequency, consumption structure, purchase purpose and brand loyalty. The ""consumer decision-making"" dimension includes: decision-making process, decision-making style, and type of decision-making.
起訖頁 71-88
關鍵詞 文創商品顧客輪廓模糊德爾菲法Culture and Creative ProductsCustomer ProfileFuzzy Delphi Method
刊名 華梵藝術與設計學報  
期數 202108 (14期)
出版單位 華梵大學
該期刊-上一篇 水墨插畫創作研究──以少女與怪獸聯想為例
該期刊-下一篇 2008北京奧運的城市空間規劃設計論述形構分析──兼論無形文化資產,在歷史名城接合現代性發展中可能扮演的角色




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