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On the Water Ink Illustrative Creation of Young Beauty and Monster
作者 張文德陳翌雋吳中硯
The impact of animation, comics, and games was globalized, consequently, the related favored objects such as young beauty and monsters of the young population have formed a social trend, named Otaku economy and culture. This thesis of creation on the water-ink illustration was planned to re-elaborate the integrative fantasy based on the image of young beauty and monster.With the design process as the creation method and integrative young beauty and monster images, three creative directions, namely, a. return of the Donkey Kong, b. Ultrawoman, and c. flower beast, was developed. There were one water-ink illustrative works on each creative direction. The design method was demonstrated to be effective and systematic for the art creative process on the aspects of the development and details. The research results and artistic creations of this thesis can benefit the related studies on the issues of design application and art creation.Main research results:(1) Summary of the literature of water-ink illustrative creation, young beauty, and monster(2) Execute and record the process of the water-ink illustrative creation on the issue of young beauty and monster.
起訖頁 53-70
關鍵詞 藝術創作水墨插畫少女花獸Art CreationWater-ink IllustrationYoung BeautyMonster
刊名 華梵藝術與設計學報  
期數 202108 (14期)
出版單位 華梵大學
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該期刊-下一篇 文創商品顧客輪廓因子之研究




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