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Hermeneutic Approach as Exploration of the Creative Process
作者 葉育男劉建成鄧成連
人類自出生以來,面臨一個無法避免的問題,就是被符號團團包圍,世界是由符號所構築而成的,人類終其一生不斷地在「理解→詮釋→理解→詮釋…」的循環歷程中認識所處的生活環境和文明社會,語言、文字、圖像所構成的符號系統承載人類理解這世界的一切,其中文字與圖像必須透過觀看的方式進行理解,從利柯(Ricoeur)的口號:「the symbol gives rise to thought」,亦即符號是思想的起源。從事藝術設計創作必須將1五感訊息藉由視覺傳達創作者想表達的概念想法和意圖,草圖/手稿的構成是體現藝術設計創作者從事創作型態中最重要的瞬間,這個瞬間的產生,有可能是來自生活經驗或文化養成背景,甚至來自許許多多意外的因素所呈現出最後的樣貌,普羅大眾或許從創作者的論述一窺其創意設計思考脈絡,當作品完成進入到展場且進行理解詮釋時,不免產生許多的疑惑,究竟創作者是如何產生這樣的作品,作品完成前,創作者究竟完成了甚麼樣的工作流程,作品往往與最初草圖/手稿的樣貌差異很大,導致草圖/手稿與作品的關聯性在閱讀上是斷裂的,本研究企圖透過詮釋取徑創作的研究方式,重新詮釋創作者草圖/手稿與現場作品間的依存關係。
Since birth, human beings have faced an unavoidable situation, that is, being surrounded by signs. In other words, the world is constructed by signs. However, human beings repeat the process ""understand→interpret→understand→interpret..."" throughout their lives. In order to understand the environment and civilized society, They live in the symbol system which composed of language, character, and images carries everything that how humans realize the world. The character and images must be understand by visual. From slogan of Ricoeur: ""the symbol gives rise to thought"", that is, the symbol is the origin of thought. To engage in artistic creation, the five senses and concept of creator will be converted to actualization by visual. However, the composition of the sketch drawing is to reflect the most important moment in the creative style of an art creator. The emergence of this moment may come from life experience, cultural background, or even many unexpected moments of artist. The general public may get a glimpse of design thinking from the creator’s discourse, But while watching, Many questions may arise, such as how did the creator produce such a work? And what kind of workflow did the creator do before the work is completed? The appearance of the final work is often very different from the original sketch (manuscript). There is gap between sketch (manuscript) and final work. The purpose of this research is to reinterpret the relationship between cretor’s sketch and final art work by Hermeneutic approach.
起訖頁 20-52
關鍵詞 詮釋學符號學HermeneuticsSemiotics
刊名 華梵藝術與設計學報  
期數 202108 (14期)
出版單位 華梵大學
該期刊-上一篇 佛教藝術融匯數位加密的跨界設計
該期刊-下一篇 水墨插畫創作研究──以少女與怪獸聯想為例




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