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Immeasurable Arts Dao:Cross Boundary Design for Buddhist Arts Converging Digital Encryption
作者 李春南
在數位科技的新資訊結構模式中,資料與演算已逐漸滲透至文化與藝術領域,而形成一股新的數位美學潮流;理性的科技與感性的藝術,在跨界設計的思維下,也逐漸產生出新的時代藝術文化。佛教藉由藝術啟發人心、利樂有情,藝術則從佛教汲取養分,豐富了文化審美與生命的境界,在回歸人的自然本性的過程中,體現出佛教藝術文化之宏偉,並達到教化、修心養性與創造公益價值的目的。現代科技不但影響人類生活的樣貌,同時也為當代佛教藝術的創作,提供了更多元的媒材和靈感。佛教藝術和科技的跨界融匯,是現代佛教傳播發展過程中的重要媒介之一,但是面對現代社會博物館的興盛與複製技術的進步,雖然增加了文獻與文物作品的商業價值,但同時也可能傷害了文化價值。因此,在數位科技的世代,本文著眼於利用前瞻技術區塊鏈(Blockchain)的不可分割、不可替代與獨一無二的特點,為佛教文獻與文物建立數位版權(Digital Rights),即建立一種類似電子身分證的證書,並利用其不可竄改的特性,以確保佛教藝術作品的資訊安全性,這將是佛文獻與文物作品在傳播史上嶄新的一頁,不僅提供新的媒介途徑,且更有利於佛教藝術資源的典藏與保存,在佛法、科技與藝術之間會通人我,展現佛性之美,以達每個創作者的本懷弘願。
In the modern digital technology, data and computing have gradually infiltrated the cultural sphere and begun functioning as the central nervous system of modern technological culture. The inherent ties between data structures and arts have gradually evolved into integrated and hybridized digital aesthetics. It produces gradually new arts, culture and performance space with reasonable technological elements and perceptual cultural elements. Buddhism influences the enlightenment of people’s conscience, broadly spreads the Buddhist dharmas, deeply takes human beings as the essential and brings benefits and the peace to all living beings; arts absorbs nutrients from Buddhism to enrich the realm of cultural aesthetics and life, perform the greatness of Buddhist arts and culture to reach the goals of humanization, the cultivation of mind and the creation of public value. Contemporary technology not only influences the appearance of human life, but also provides more media and inspiration for the creation of contemporary Buddhist arts. It is one of the important mediums in the communication of modern Buddhist development through the cross-boundary design for the convergence between Buddhis Arts and digital technology. Facing the prosperity of modern social museums and the progress of advanced handmade technology, it will increase the business value of literatures and cultural relics but may also hurt its cultural values. Therefore, this study implements the structure of digital rights in Ethereum on blockchain through smart contracts utilizing the characteristics of decentralized, non-destructive, and transparent data disclosure in the blockchain technology to establish a certificate of electronic identity for protecting the information security of Buddhist arts. It will become a new page of communications history not only providing the whole possible tracts but benefiting the digitization on archive preservation on Buddhist arts resources as well. Self-other convergence between the Dharma, technology and arts shows the beauty of Buddha nature in order to achieve wish fulfillment of each art creator.
起訖頁 1-19
關鍵詞 區塊鏈以太坊佛教藝術數位版權智能合約BlockchainEthereumBuddhist ArtsDigital Rights ManagementSmart Contract
刊名 華梵藝術與設計學報  
期數 202108 (14期)
出版單位 華梵大學
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