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The Design and Development of a Web-Based Virtual Heritage Tour: Constructing Scenario Narrative and Applying Gamified Strategies
作者 鄭琨鴻吳柏毅陳怡廷
Scholars have devoted to exploring the academic issues regarding the application of virtual tour on cultural heritage education. Since past studies have indicated the limitations of the interactive design of virtual tour, this study proposed to integrate scenario narrative and gamified strategies into the design of virtual tour for cultural heritage education. Based on the waterfall model, a web-based virtual heritage tour system was developed through the analysis, design, and implementation phases. We also included the evaluation of learners’ attitudes toward technology acceptance, learning experiences, and learning behaviors with 42 higher education students participating in the research trial. The scenario narrative of the web-based virtual heritage tour was constructed via the guidance of an actor role. Moreover, there were five gamified strategies integrated into the learning system. The results of learning behavior analysis showed that most of the students can visually focus on the points of interest specification set by the narrative. In general, the students showed positive attitudes toward the technology acceptance of the learning system. Specifically, their perceived visual appeal and usefulness played significant roles in usage intention and learning willingness. Regarding the evaluation of learning experiences, the students’ perceptions of intrinsic and extraneous cognitive load were relatively low. The results of the correlation analyses implied that the germane cognitive load may be the dominant factor to affect learning attitudes in the context of cultural heritage touring.
起訖頁 053-086
關鍵詞 文化遺產情境敘事虛擬導覽遊戲化cultural heritagenarrativevirtual tourgamification
刊名 數位學習科技期刊  
期數 202407 (16:3期)
出版單位 數位學習科技期刊編審委員
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