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Qui E on “The Idle Prince Supported by Hardworking Ministers”
作者 詹康

“The idle prince supported by hardworking ministers” is a universal principle in Chinese political philosophy and a long standing and widely propagated heritage. Although this principle was almost abandoned by most prominent Confucian philosophers and political treatises since the Southern Song dynasty, it still surfaces from time to time. This study focuses on Qui E 桂萼 (1478- 1531), the Grand Secretary of the Grand Secretariat, whose memorials in 1526-1531 repeatedly preached this principle to Mingshizong 明世宗 (r. 1521-1567).

Qui E was the grand disciple of Wu Yubi 吳與弼 (1391-1469) and Hu Juren 胡居仁 (1434- 1484). Serving the young and active emperor, he preached the principle of “the idle prince supported by hardworking ministers” from multiple perspectives, including the classics, history, medicine, neo-Confucianism, Huang-Lao school, and “Legalism” (i.e., Fajia). According to Qui E, drastically limiting the emperor’s deliberations and actions would result in enhanced governance and improve the emperor’s health.

Mingshizong usually ignored Qui E’s preachings. Futhermore, he once shared with Zhang Cong 張璁 (1475-1539), Senior Grand Secretary of the Grand Secretariat, his criticism of Qui E’s argument, considering it to be only semi-eloquent and merely an attempt to acquire a reputation of righteousness by offending the emperor.

起訖頁 073-099
關鍵詞 中國政治哲學明世宗張璁嘉靖Chinese political philosophyMingshizongZhang CongJiajing Emperor
刊名 師大學報  
期數 202403 (69:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學
該期刊-上一篇 鄂蘭人權視域下的政治創傷與照顧——以二二八平安運動為例
該期刊-下一篇 歐利根論選擇的自由與意志




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