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Investigation of Outstanding College Volleyball Players’ Ego Identity and Well-being
作者 韓俜亭洪瑞兒 (Zuway-R Hong)魯盈讌林煥祥王薪惠黃愛雅
This study investigated outstanding college volleyball players’ ego identity and well-being. This study purposively selected 136 outstanding volleyball players as the sample. All participants were asked to respond to the well-structured “Outstanding College Volleyball Players’ Questionnaire” to assess their ego identity and well-being. In addition, two target students with the highest scores in well-being and another two target students with the lowest scores were selected purposively for individual interviews. Exploratory factor analysis, internal consistency reliability test, t test, Chi-squared test, Partial Least Squares (PLS), and theme content analysis were performed. Initial results revealed that 32.3% of outstanding volleyball players were in the “identity diffusion” stage. More male players than female players were identified as being in the “identity achievement” stage. The players in the “identity achievement” stage had positive interpersonal relationships, high life satisfaction and academic achievement, and successful personal growth. The qualitative results indicated that the male players’ high levels of life satisfaction and positive interpersonal relationships improved their well-being and identity achievement. By contrast, the pressure and frustration from academic study might have decreased some players’ well-being and increased their identity diffusion. The current results suggest that college educators should consider the physical and mental health of players who are female or non-physical education majors. We recommend that more attention be given to providing players with approaches of improving their identity achievement.
起訖頁 111-144
關鍵詞 大學運動績優排球選手自我統合幸福感非體育相關學系體育相關學系outstanding college volleyball playersego identitywell-beingnon-physical education majorsphysical education majors
刊名 教育科學研究期刊  
期數 202106 (66:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學
該期刊-上一篇 學生學習投入、好奇心、教師集體層級變項與科學探究能力的關係:跨層級調節式中介效果之探討
該期刊-下一篇 成功期望與興趣價值對數學成就的動態影響:動態結構方程模型分析




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