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Accreditation of Primary School Pre-service Teacher Education Curriculums in the United States, Australia, and Singapore and the Implications to Taiwan
作者 蘇容梅宋曜廷 (Yao-Ting Sung)于文正 (WenCheng Hsu)
The cultivation of teachers is a professional process, and the role of the teacher education curriculums is one of the crucial factors. This study aimed to understand the development of Taiwan’s primary school teacher education curriculums as well as to analyze the teacher education curriculums and accreditation systems in the United States, Australia, and Singapore. The results indicated that reforms to Taiwan’s primary school teacher training curriculums are limited by the old habits of historical path dependence and that the course fails to plan for the basic teaching abilities required for preservice teachers. The practical curriculum has not been implemented in a phased and continuous manner, and the teacher training assessment does not ensure that the school curriculum complies with national regulations before implementation. Finally, the relevant experience in the three included countries provides a reference for improving domestic teacher education — including the need for attention to the teacher education quality assurance mechanism, the strengthening of qualifications for primary school preservice teachers’ proficiency, the application of theory at the educational scene in a phased and continuous manner, and the establishment of an appropriate learning structure based on the nature and importance of the course.
起訖頁 035-074
關鍵詞 小學師資培育課程師資培育課程認證primary school pre-service teacher educationteacher educationcurriculum accreditation
刊名 教育科學研究期刊  
期數 202106 (66:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學
該期刊-上一篇 推來拉去之間?從「推拉理論」分析臺灣人才流失與因應之道:以留美博士為例
該期刊-下一篇 學生學習投入、好奇心、教師集體層級變項與科學探究能力的關係:跨層級調節式中介效果之探討




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