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Between “Push” and “Pull”?─ An Analysis of Taiwan's “Brain Drain” and Possible Solutions from the Perspective of Push-Pull Theory: The Examples of Ph.D. Holders in the U.S.
作者 鄭英傑 (Ying-Jie Jheng)張珍瑋 (Chen-Wei Chang)
In response to the effects of globalization, to keep ahead of the competition countries worldwide strive to cultivate more talented people through higher education systems as well as by recruiting talent from other countries, particularly Ph.D. holders. The Taiwan government, which is no exception in this fight for talent, faces the challenge of “brain drain.” This study, rooted in “Push-Pull Theory,” first examined the possible “push,” “pull,” and personal factors that exacerbate the brain drain phenomenon in Taiwan (i.e., emigration of Ph.D. holders from Taiwan to other countries) and then provided some possible solutions. To this end, the study interviewed 14 Ph.D. holders who chose to stay in the United States after graduating. According to the current results, the “push” is related to the weakness of Taiwanese higher education (i.e., red tape during the recruitment process, the prevalence of nepotism, and the unclear roles of professors). By contrast, the “pull” of the United States are related to the strength of its higher education (i.e., the simplicity of the recruit mentprocess, the lack of nepotism, and the roles of professors being clearly defined). Furthermore, personal factors, particularly those involving policies that draw talented people overseas, include instability and lack of long-term plans. Based on the results, the end of the study offers some policy suggestions, including creating an “In-and-Out System,” building a “Bonding System,” and simplifying the application process.
起訖頁 001-033
關鍵詞 人才流失全球化留學生推拉理論旋轉盤機制brain drainglobalizationstudents overseasPush-Pull TheoryIn-and-Out System
刊名 教育科學研究期刊  
期數 202106 (66:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學
該期刊-下一篇 美、澳、星三國小學師資培育課程與認證制度對我國啟示之探討




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