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Welfare State Restructuring: Construction and Reform of Long-Term Care Insurance in Germany and Policy Implications for Taiwan
作者 陳明芳 (Ming-Fang Chen)
It has only quite recently been recognized that long-term care constitutes a core institution of modern welfare states. The author argues that while most of the mature welfare democracies are faced with fiscal restrictions, they do have adaptive ability to modernize themselves with system restructuring that is dominantly conditioned by the welfare regimes. This paper elaborates the construction of the long-term care insurance in Germany – a typical conservative welfare regime – and its major reform in 2008 with the illustration of core institutional contents, the analysis of achievements, shortcomings, and future challenges. With the demonstration of main characteristics of Bismarckian welfare systems and their potential crises resulting from the new social risks, this paper explores how the Bismarckian welfare state processes the system modernization with the development of mandatory social long-term care insurance when faced with the problems characterized by the fact that the ageing population increases the quality and quantity of care, but the transformation of family and employment structure decreases the possibility of informal care. Taiwan has built a newly emerging Bismarckian welfare state through the social policy expansion since the 1990s and is facing similar problems resulting from the new social risks; hence, lessons learnt from the development of the long-term care insurance in Germany will be especially important to Taiwan for system design and policy implementation.
起訖頁 157-207
關鍵詞 長期照護保險俾斯麥福利體系新社會風險福利國家結構重組德國long-term care insuranceBismarckian welfare systemnew social riskswelfare state restructuringGermany
刊名 臺大社會工作學刊  
期數 201206 (25期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學社會工作學系
該期刊-上一篇 機構安置少女復原力培育之行動研究
該期刊-下一篇 社區特性與社區社會資本之研究




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