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Action Research of Cultivating Resilience of Teenage Girls in a Residential Setting
作者 白倩如 (Chien-Ju Pai)
復原力已被證實可透過環境互動培育;國內兒少安置機構亦被要求應提供更具積極性的專業服務,特別是結束安置兒少應要有面對威脅性生活環境之能力。本研究旨在透過與安置機構專業團隊的共同行動,進行安置少女的復原力培育,並期能歸納出執行條件與影響因素。本研究之行動場域是財團法人天主教善牧社會福利基金會附設台東縣私立德蕾之家1,自 2008年 6月至 2010年 12月底止,歷時 2年半,共歷經四個行動循環時期。研究結果顯示,安置少女的復原力是迴旋反覆的成長歷程,也是專業人員與少女雙向交互增進的復原歷程。培育的執行需以關係性保護因子為基礎,並同時運用環境保護因子,方能培育出少女之個人保護因子。故社工要能有交互運用復原力培育與直接服務技術的勝任能力、成熟的行為模範及對社會工作專業價值的認同與實踐力。此外,由於復原力培育涉及組織人力結構、資源分配、組織文化與專業哲學信念的轉變,亦即是組織的轉型過程;其中,安置機構負責人的管理能力、理念堅持與高層組織支持是左右轉型成敗的關鍵。
It has been proven that resilience has can be cultivated through environmental interaction processes. In Taiwan, children's and juvenile social welfare residential settings are facing the challenge of provided more active and professional service, and developing teenagers' independent living ability to withstand adverse circumstances. The research goals of this study are to implement resilience cultivation with a residential group through collaborative action, as well as to generalize the implementation conditions and affecting factors. The action was carried out at Taitung County Telay Girls' Home of Good-Shepherd Social Welfare Services Foundation, a teenage girls' residential setting in east Taiwan, from June 2008 to December 2010. Through 4 phases of action cycles, the following results have been found. The process of teenage girls' resilience cultivation is an unstable but continually advancing process. It is also a mutual interactive development process between social workers and girls. The cultivation of individual protective factors should utilize relationships and environmental protective factors at the same time. Social workers should have professional skill competence, the ability to act as mature role models, and commitment to the professional values of social work. In addition, an organization shift is required, involving the redistribution of manpower and resources, and the change of the culture and philosophy of the residential professional group. The key elements that influence success or failure are the management capability and persistent faith of the chief manager, as well as the support of the upper stratum in the organization.
起訖頁 103-155
關鍵詞 安置少女復原力復原力培育teenage girls in a residential settingresilienceresilience cultivation
刊名 臺大社會工作學刊  
期數 201206 (25期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學社會工作學系
該期刊-上一篇 我國失能與失智人口及其所需照顧服務員人力之推估
該期刊-下一篇 福利國家的重構:以德國長期照護保險制度的建置與改革為例兼論台灣可得之借鏡




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