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運用「範例(worked-out example)」在國小數學問題解決的教學實驗研究
An Instructional Experiment: UsingWorked-out Examples inMathematics Problem-Solving of Elementary School Students
作者 凃金堂
近年來,國外許多學者以認知負荷理論(cognitive load theory)為依據,採用數學範例教學實驗,大多顯示實驗組的數學成績顯著高於控制組。本研究以66 位國小五年級學生為研究對象,進行兩次數學科範例教學實驗。實驗一,實驗組接受範例教學法,控制組接受傳統教學法,實驗結果顯示實驗組與控制組的教學實驗,產生性向處理交互作用(aptitude-treatment interaction):採用範例教學較適合數學成就測驗前測分數較低的學生,採用傳統教學較適合數學成就前測分數較高的學生。實驗二與實驗一是相同的班級,實驗組分兩組,分別接受powerpoint 電子檔的範例,以及接受紙本的範例,控制組接受傳統教學法,實驗結果顯示接受powerpoint 電子檔範例教學的學生,其數學成就測驗後測成績,顯著高於接受傳統教學的學生。
With the framework of the cognitive load theory, researchers have shown students in an experimental condition learned mathematics with worked-out examples significantly outperformed those learning mathematics in the control condition. The current consists of two experimental studies with 66 fifth grade students as participants. In Study 1, participants were divided into an experimental and a control condition, learning mathematics with the worked-out example instruction and traditional instruction, respectively. The result shows an aptitude-treatment interaction, that is, the worked-out example method was more beneficial for students for students with lower prior achievement, while the traditional method was more beneficial for students with higher prior achievement in mathematics. In Study 2, students were assigned to three conditions to learn mathematics, a condition with worked-out examples presented with PowerPoint, a condition with worked-out examples presented with hard copies, and a condition with traditional instruction. The results indicated that the students who received instruction with the worked-out example presented via PowerPoint gained significantly higher grades in a posttest of the mathematical achievement test than those who received the traditional instruction.
起訖頁 25-50
關鍵詞 問題解決認知負荷範例cognitive loadproblem solvingworked-out example
刊名 教育心理學報  
期數 201109 (43:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系
該期刊-上一篇 鷹架式概念構圖教學策略對學童生物文章的閱讀表徵與情意之影響
該期刊-下一篇 大專校院輔導教師工作現況與專業知能需求之研究




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