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The Myth and Introspection of the Normalization Principle and Individualization Principles for Disability Welfare Service: A Case Study of “The Foster Family Care Program for Children with Disabilities”
作者 周怡君
身心障礙者的福利服務強調障礙者需回歸主流社會生活模式的「正常化原則」與重視特殊需求的「個別化」原則。本文以文獻分析與質性訪談的研究方法,分析全國唯一針對身心障礙兒少所開辦之北部某都市的「身心障礙兒少家庭寄養安置方案」,探討一般社會服務方案在正常化原則與個別化原則的應用狀況。該方案有別於一般兒少家庭寄養服務,置於身心障礙福利科下辦理,目前已實施有5 年。本文研究結果發現,該方案開辦動機雖符合要讓身心障礙兒少能接受家庭寄養服務、減少機構寄養的正常化原則,但卻有寄養時間普遍較長、原生家庭重建效果低落的情況,其原因乃在對正常化原則與個別化原則的無法適切應用。
The disability welfare service puts emphasis on the “the normalization principle” and “the individualization principle.” The former argues that the service for the disables should promote mainstreaming so that they can return to the society to have a normal live; the latter attaches importance to the disables' special needs. By exploring a unique program for foster family care for the children and early youth with disabilities in northern Taiwan, this article discusses the practical application of the two principles. This foster family care program, which has been implemented for 5 years, is quite distinctive because it is one of the scopes of business of the Disabled Welfare Section in the local government. After analyzing relative documents and conducting in-depth interviews, this article found that although this program tries to conform to “the normalization principle” by promoting the disabled children and early youth to live in the foster family rather than in the placement agency, the negative results are produced due to the too long foster period and the limited effectiveness of reconstruction of these disabled children's and early youth's native families. Thus this article argues that how “the normalization principle” and “the individualization principle” can be effectively applied to the disability welfare service should be further explored.
起訖頁 87-134
關鍵詞 正常化原則身心障礙兒少個別化原則家庭寄養normalizationindividualizationchildren and early youths with disabilitiesfamily foster
刊名 臺大社會工作學刊  
期數 201112 (24期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學社會工作學系
該期刊-上一篇 探討不同障礙者的情慾問題:一個質性研究成果的分析
該期刊-下一篇 這是「房子」,不是「家屋」:從解釋性互動論探討莫拉克風災後原住民的遷徙與衝擊




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