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Exploring the Sexuality of People with Varied Disabilities: Results from a Qualitative Study
作者 邱連枝
身心障礙者情慾或性慾的話題向來是社會的禁忌,然而,近年來無論國、內外相關身心障礙法案的變革,皆強調身心障礙者同等擁有人權的權利訴求,身心障礙者的情慾表達議題也已到了需要被重視的時刻。此外,國內相關團體推動公娼合法化,對外諸求此舉可作為解決底層及身心障礙者性慾需求的選項之一,反對者提出罰嫖措施以杜絕對女性的性剝削。本研究重點不在於探討性工作者是否該合法化,然而,在倡議過程中台灣社會卻遺漏了身心障礙者的聲音,無論是罰娼或罰嫖的爭論,明顯忽略身心障礙者情慾表達的權利與障礙處境。 本文從情慾表達是人權的基點出發,同時透過「障礙」觀點的詮釋,探討身心障礙者情慾表達的困境,以彰顯情慾表達人權應被正視的正當性。本文透過非營利組織人員的訪談,嘗試呈現台灣不同障礙者的情慾圖像,提供政府未來相關處遇措施的參考;同時在性產業是否合法化的推動過程,提供另一種立基於身心障礙者性權利的政策思維。
Issues of sexuality and disability have been a taboo topic in the society. However, recent disability legislation, in both international and regional forms, has aimed to ensure basic human rights are also available to the disabled. The human right issue of sexual expression for the disabled has come to point that it cannot be neglected any more. At the same time, feminist groups are advocating the legalization of the sex industry and asserting it may become one of the options for the disabled and underprivileged to exercise their sexual rights. However, those who are against it want to punish sexual consumers to prevent gender oppression of female sex workers. The author believes arguments concerning “sex worker” penalties or “consumer” penalties neglect the disadvantaged situation disabled men face in sexual expression. The voices of the disabled are ignored in today's society. From that viewpoint, this paper takes a sexual rights perspective to conduct a bio-social interactive research approach and discuss barriers disabled people face in sexual expression. Through interviewing key people in several non-profit organizations, this paper attempts to portray the sexuality of people with varied disabilities in Taiwan. It is hoped the results of the research will provide the government with recommendations in policymaking, and become an important aspect of the debate on the legalization of the sex industry.
起訖頁 39-86
關鍵詞 身心障礙情慾人權性公民權利disabilitysexualityhuman rightssexual citizenship
刊名 臺大社會工作學刊  
期數 201112 (24期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學社會工作學系
該期刊-上一篇 菁英與民眾對於政策意見之一致性研究:健保政策評估指標之案例分析
該期刊-下一篇 身心障礙者服務的正常化與個別化原則之迷思與再省思:以「身心障礙兒童與少年安置寄養家庭委託服務方案」為例




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