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Evaluation Indicators of National Health Insurance Policy: Comparisons of Opinions of the Elites and the General Public
作者 劉宜君 (I-Chun Liu)
The present study discusses evaluation indicators of the National Health Insurance policy, incorporating opinions from the elites and the general public. The empirical study implemented the policy Delphi method to obtain the elite opinion on evaluation indicators of the National Health Insurance policy, while a telephone opinion survey collected the general public opinion. Results indicated that the elites and the general public reach a consensus on several evaluation indicators. These indicators include, “All people can obtain basic medical services which the national health insurance policy can afford” (comprehensiveness indicator), “People can obtain basic medical care services despite living in rural or remote areas.” (adequacy indicator), “People can obtain sufficient medical care services according to their demands” (adequacy indicator), “General public satisfaction with the national health insurance policy” (accountability indicator), ” When the government decides on health insurance issues, its decision-making processes are open for public understanding” (accountability indicator), “The national health insurance can provide necessary services in the most efficient way” (efficiency indicator), and, “To enhance the effectiveness of the health care of the public in general” (effectiveness indicator). The higher satisfaction indicators of the national health insurance policy were, “To enhance the effectiveness of the health care of the public in general” (effectiveness indicator) and, “The national health insurance can provide necessary services in the least costly way” (efficiency indicator). These findings indicate that performance assessment indicators should integrate the opinions of different representative sections of the population, professional and democratic principles of decisionmaking.
起訖頁 1-38
關鍵詞 全民健保政策評估評估指標菁英national health insurancepolicy evaluationevaluation indicatorselite
刊名 臺大社會工作學刊  
期數 201112 (24期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學社會工作學系
該期刊-下一篇 探討不同障礙者的情慾問題:一個質性研究成果的分析




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