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篇名 |
從家戶所得分配觀點檢視「 齊一公私立高中職學費」政策
並列篇名 |
Examine the Equalized Tuition Plan for Both Public and Private High Schools from the Perspective of Household Income Distribution |
作者 |
李信興 |
中文摘要 |
本文藉由政策設計分析的過程,析論「齊一公私立高中職學費」政策演進與形成過程,獲致我國補助公、私立高中職學費差距之政策走向具有以下兩點特色:(1)從部份補助到全額補助,(2)從全體學生到特定族群。再由「臺灣地區家庭收支調查」所得之資料,進行家戶支配所得趨勢分析。最後則針對政策差異性與公平性評論「齊一公私立高中職學費」政策之設計,符合社會正義與垂直公平之差別特性施予差別待遇特性,並提出後續實施建議以供政府相關單位決策之參考:(1)整合相關補助辦法,化繁為簡;(2)適時調整補助門檻,與時俱進。 |
英文摘要 |
In this thesis, policy analysis process is applied to investigate the equalized tuition plan for both public and private high schools. Two remarkable modifications of the plan have been disclosed since the implementation. One is that the plan reduces students' tuition from a certain amount to full amount. The other is that the recipient of the plan alters from overall students to specified groups of students. Next, the writer scrutinizes the plan in light of household income distribution based on the data of Taiwan's household income investigation. Furthermore, policy differentiation and policy equity are measured to evaluate whether the implementation of the plan runs on the principles of vertical equity and unequal treatment of the unequal. Eventually, two suggestions for the government authorities concerned are as follows: (1) Integrate the related regulations and simplify the procedures; (2) Adjust the threshold appropriately in response to the real needs of the people. |
起訖頁 |
174-189 |
關鍵詞 |
家戶所得、齊一公私立高中職學費政策、政策設計、Household income、Equalized tuition plan for both public and private high schools、Policy design |
刊名 |
學校行政 |
期數 |
201103 (72期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
我國資訊教育政策推動對中小學教師心理衝擊之研究:紮根理論研究取向 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
大學募款:高等教育經費緊縮下的因應策略 |