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大學募款:高等教育經費緊縮下的因應策略   全文下載 全文下載
University Fundraising - the Coping Strategies Under Higher Education Funding Crunch
作者 林貴芬
Taiwan's higher education system is affected by government financial retrenchments. In recent years the large expansion of University volumes has made the government's educational budget move from bad to worse. Universities themselves need to collect higher ratios of self-fundraising resources so as to maintain their operations and quality of teaching due to the fact that the financial budgets in Universities are quickly depleting. This article discusses the theory of donations, US donation systems, and the current fundraising situations among Taiwan's Universities. Some suggestions about this topic are described as follows:1. Establish a “Donation Union” in universities to improve budgets which will aid in service performance.2. Hire professional fundraising experts implement fundraising activities.3. Create a database of donor lists to facilitate interactions and communications.4. Develop a specific and feasible plan to set fundraising goals.5. Design a variety of flexible donation systems to attract donors.6. Consummate rewards and certificates to honor those donors.7. Obey the ethics of public-welfare donations and make the funding management public.We expect that the authorities will revise the tax rules for the donations of encouraging-education regulations so as to lead a better donation climate from charity.
起訖頁 190-211
關鍵詞 自籌財源捐贈制度募款self-fundraisingdonation systemfundraising
刊名 學校行政  
期數 201103 (72期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 從家戶所得分配觀點檢視「 齊一公私立高中職學費」政策




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