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This paper attempts to explore the polysemy of compound and complex sentences through Mandarin conditionals. Focusing on the two basic conditional constructions, i.e., the ruguo如果construction and the ruguoshuo如果說construction, this paper explores their inter-clausal relations as well as the polysemous relations existing within each construct. A conceptual space is thus built, and then the distribution of three domains (i.e., the content domain, the epistemic domain, and the speech act domain) and metalanguage usages are cautiously defined on the space, in order to present the semantic extensions of conditional constructions in greater detail and also to illustrate the differences between the two constructions. Then, by comparing the ruguo construction and the if construction in English, the paper points out that the polysemy of compound and complex sentences is universal but is also subject to the system of compound and complex sentences of each language.
起訖頁 573-626
刊名 清華學報  
期數 202409 (54:3期)
出版單位 國立清華大學
該期刊-上一篇 加拉罕與中蘇談判中的中東路問題(1923-1924)
該期刊-下一篇 評Jeff Kyong-McClain and Joseph Tse-hei Lee (eds.), From Missionary Education to Confucius Institute: Historical Reflections on Sino-American Cultural Exchange




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