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蘇聯對華交涉代表加拉罕(Л.М.Карахан, 1889-1937)力主與奉天當局張作霖(1875-1928)和平解決中東路問題。加拉罕與奉天當局於〈奉俄協定〉交涉之際,歷經奉天會談、「鮑羅廷草案」、奉天當局反對〈中俄協定〉、〈奉俄草案〉及莫斯科反對〈奉俄草案〉、〈奉俄協定〉最終訂立、〈奉俄協定〉成為〈中俄協定〉附件六個階段。第一次直奉戰爭後,奉系割據東北之局給加拉罕對奉交涉帶來諸多挑戰,奉蘇雙方於中東路收回條件、中東路地畝、松花江和黑龍江航權、盧布賠償、中蘇國界劃分等問題難有共識。因蘇聯軍事威脅和第二次直奉戰爭爆發,奉天當局迅速妥協。奉天當局最終接受加拉罕的條件,訂立〈奉俄協定〉。〈奉俄協定〉背後隱藏著加拉罕於北洋末期內政混亂之局中的外交嘗試與努力。
Lev Mikhailovich Karakhan (1889-1937), the Soviet Union’s diplomatic representative, attempted to resolve the issue of the Chinese Eastern Railway (CER) in a peaceful manner by negotiating with Marshal Chang Tso-lin張作霖(1875-1928) of the Fengtian奉天Clique. The negotiation process between Soviet diplomats, led by Karakhan, and the Fengtian Clique can be divided into six distinct parts: 1) a meeting in Mukden in August 1923, 2) the Borodin Proposal, 3) Chang’s denial of the Sino-Soviet Agreement, 4) the signing of the Fengtian-Soviet Draft, 5) Moscow’s rejection of the Fengtian-Soviet Draft, and 6) the confirmation of the Fengtian-Soviet Agreement. Throughout the negotiations, the challenges presented by warlordism and factionalism during the Northern period made it difficult for Soviet diplomats and the Fengtian Clique to reach a consensus on the specifics of additional clauses. However, due to the military threat posed by the USSR and the outbreak of the Second Zhili- Fengtian War, the Fengtian Clique was forced to yield. Although there are only minor differences between the Fengtian-Soviet Agreement and the Sino-Soviet Agreement, behind them lie the diplomatic efforts of Karakhan.
起訖頁 533-571
刊名 清華學報  
期數 202409 (54:3期)
出版單位 國立清華大學
該期刊-上一篇 從墓表到墓誌:麴氏高昌至唐西州時期吐魯番的墓塼變化
該期刊-下一篇 論漢語假設複句的多義現象




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