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Memory and Craftsmanship──on the Exile Experience and Self-image Construction Stated in Wu Zhaoqian's Works
作者 許嘉瑋
Northeast shed poetry is a special landscape in literary history, whether Ningguta or Shenyang, the land of cold weather and backward economy, appears to have no self-evident. Most of the works together shed such image of bitter cold,, and these work are rarely discussed later. However, within the realm of creative expression, where fiction is permissible and serves various social functions such as communication and entertainment, a closer examination of Northeast shed literature reveals a clearer understanding of the emotional transitions experienced by exiles at different stages --departure, journey, arrival, migration, and return.
Wu Zhaoqian, a quite well known figure among exiles, is the subject of study in this paper. This paper studied Wu Zhaoqian’s work“Autumn Wars Set”, and particularly focused on discussing his literary creations related to his exile in the Northeast. Through an analysis of his correspondence with family and friends and a portrayal of Ningguta, this paper highlights the different roles Wu Zhaoqian assumes, and the corresponding shifts in his literary expression, suggesting that his numerous“self-expressions”in Ningguta only partially reflect reality. Often times the description of poverty and bitter coldness were portrayed deliberately than actualexperience.
When focusing on literature itself, poets and writers remain human, and thus inevitably subject to various emotions and even flaws. While Wu Zhaoqian may possess literary talent, his works reveal a struggle with practical aspects of life, challenging the notion of embracing poverty as a path to contentment. By juxtaposing Wu's portrayal with the steadfastness and relentless creativity attributed by his contemporaries like Gu Zhen Guan, Wu Zhaoqian's successful construction of his own image becomes apparent. In summary, through the example of Wu Zhaoqian, it's evident that the completion of poetic lyricism stems in part from its narrative potential.
起訖頁 85-123
關鍵詞 寧古塔東北流人吳兆騫流放經驗形象建構Ninggu TowerNortheast ExileWu Zhaoqianexperience of exileimage construction
刊名 臺北教育大學語文集刊  
期數 202406 (45期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學語文與創作學系
該期刊-上一篇 論晚明吳應箕與張自烈的交游
該期刊-下一篇 科舉應試與同光年間的鄉試制度:以金武祥為中心




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