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Improving the Quality of Long-Term Care at B-Level Facilities
作者 賴添福陳碩菲孫智辰胡月娟
Objective: High quality long-term care at B-level facilities is crucial for patient safety and rights. In this study, we analyzed site accreditation evidence from B-level long-term care facilities to provide concrete suggestions for enhancing care quality.
Methods: A mixed-methods approach involving secondary data analysis was adopted to determine the site accreditation scores (across various domains) of 178 B-level long-term care facilities and review evaluator comments.
Results: Of the 178 facilities, 27 (15.17%) were rated as excellent, and 33 (18.54%) were deemed unqualified. The average score for home-based long-term care facilities was 74.94, and professional care quality emerged as the primary area of improvement. The average score for community-based long-term care facilities was >80, and operational management efficiency emerged as the primary area of improvement. Key areas of improvement identified by evaluators were as follows: administrative work and quality management and regular health checkups for staff (operational management efficiency domain), enhancement of staff’s professional knowledge and accident or emergency handling skills (professional care quality domain), emergency disaster response planning and fire safety management (safety environment and equipment domain), and satisfaction surveys and feedback/complaint mechanism development (protection of individual rights domain).
Conclusion: This study highlight methods for improving the quality of long-term care across four key domains. We further recommend devising effective strategies for hiring staff, retaining long-term care staff, and promoting professional competence among staff to improve long-term care services. These suggestions should be considered by relevant units managing long-term care.
起訖頁 33-43
關鍵詞 照顧品質長照機構評鑑care qualitylong-term care facilityaccreditation
刊名 醫院  
期數 202406 (57:2期)
出版單位 台灣醫院協會
該期刊-上一篇 建構COVID-19疫苗快打站最適化之研究
該期刊-下一篇 以機器學習法建立Tw-DRGs住院病人之醫療資源利用預測模型




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