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A Model for Predicting Tw-DRGs Medical Resource Utilization
作者 張碧玉 (Pi-Yu Chang)蘇佩虹黃素鈴張韋禎錢盈均陳煌麒施登瓊 (Deng-Chiung Shih)
結果:本研究發現,運用機器學習後,以XGBoost演算法建立預測模型效果最佳,其測試集之混淆矩陣ROC面積為91.09%,預測準確度達83.83%,精確率有82.61%、有80.84%的正收益差個案被成功預測為正收益差個案(召回率)、F1分數達81.59%之結果。年齡、性別、Major Diagnostic Category(MDC)、主診斷、主處置、住院天數為重要預測特徵變數;非青壯年、住院天數愈長、有合併併發症及MDC1(神經系統)相對MDC6(消化系統)虧損機率更高。
Objective: The implementation of Taiwan’s diagnosis-related group payment system (Tw-DRGs) by the National Health Insurance Administration for hospital inpatient expenses necessitates the use of big data analytics in health-care resource management. This study was conducted to develop a machine learning–based predictive model for inpatient resource utilization, aiming to provide decision support for managing Tw-DRGs.
Methods: Relevant data (January 2019 to July 2023; 65,446 patients) were collected from a regional hospital in Kaohsiung City. The data were randomly allocated to a training set (80%), a validation set (10%), and a testing set (10%). A machine learning algorithm and 33 features were used to construct the Tw-DRGs Medical Resource Utilization Predictive Model.
Results: The use of the deep learning algorithm XGBoost ensured outstanding performance by the predictive model. The model achieved an area under the curve value of 91.09%, an accuracy score of 83.83, a precision score of 82.61%, a recall score of 80.84%, and an F1 score of 81.59%. Key predictive features included age, sex, major diagnostic category, primary diagnosis, main procedure, and hospitalization duration.
Conclusion: The development of a machine learning–based predictive model for inpatient medical resource utilization markedly advances the management of diseases within the Tw-DRGs framework.
起訖頁 44-60
關鍵詞 台灣住院診斷關聯群人工智慧機器學習醫療資源利用預測模型Taiwan’s diagnosis-related group payment systemartificial intelligencemachine learningmedical resource utilization predictive model.
刊名 醫院  
期數 202406 (57:2期)
出版單位 台灣醫院協會
該期刊-上一篇 B級長照機構照顧品質之實證研究




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