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Study on the Optimization of COVID-19 Vaccine Administration Stations
2019年12月嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎蔓延全球,罹病及死亡數屢創新高;已證實疫苗施打是最佳的防範策略,在艱困環境中,計算最佳安全成本(最少人力、最高施打量)前提下,運用離散事件模擬(Discrete Event Simulation,DES)規劃最佳人員配置方式,提供疫苗施打站的最佳效能。
The December 2019 epidemic of the century, Severe Specific Infectious Pneumonia (COVID-19), has spread worldwide, with record numbers of illnesses and deaths, making it the greatest catastrophe in human history. The study aims to provide the best performance of the COVID-19 vaccine administration station with limited space and time for administration. Observation of vaccination kiosks in specialized hospitals from July to December 2021; collected: staffing and field flow diagrams of vaccination kiosks. Through observing the vaccine station at the Yunlin County Sports Center established by the affiliated hospital of the Medical College of National Taiwan University (hereinafter referred to as the dedicated hospital), initial findings regarding manpower allocation and on-site processes were gathered: It was discovered that the longest time is spent during the service phases of consulting physicians, administering nurses, and registration personnel. It is proposed to use DES simulation model for resolution.
Scenario 1 was based on a vaccine demand of 3,000 visits/site for the COVID-19 vaccine and Scenario 2 was based on a vaccine demand of 5,000 visits/site for the COVID-19 vaccine, with simultaneous consideration of the safety of the field workers, to find the optimal manpower allocation for the vaccine delivery station.
In Scenario 1, with 3,000 attendances, the optimal planning manpower was found to be 8 doctors, 8 vaccine administrators and 2 registration workers, with an average completion time of 21.12 minutes per person. In both scenarios, the vaccine was administered within 8 hours of the day as scheduled. The best efficiency model can be found in terms of registration time, consultation time, administration time and overall completion time.The COVID-19 epidemic has affected the entire world, with 660 million confirmed cases and 6.82 million deaths by January 2023, and vaccination has been proven to be the best way to prevent serious illness after the disease. In view of the continuous change of the virus strain, the health authorities still dare not relax; through the DES model construction, the service models of 3,000 and 5,000 people are proposed to the health authorities as a reference for their policy direction.
起訖頁 24-32
關鍵詞 離散事件模擬疫苗快打站Dispersal SimulationVaccination Express Station
刊名 醫院  
期數 202406 (57:2期)
出版單位 台灣醫院協會
該期刊-上一篇 南部某醫學中心大型疫苗注射站接種策略
該期刊-下一篇 B級長照機構照顧品質之實證研究




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