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Comparative analysis of ''Shebude'' and ''Bu Shede'' and teaching suggestions
The structures of ''Shebude'' and ''Bu Shede'' exhibit only subtle differences. The reversal is between‘Bu’and“She’. Previous studies have posited that ''Shebude'' and ''Bu Shede'' are equivalent negations or antonymic reversals of ''Shede,'' with similar meanings and functions (Li, 2021; Li 2021). From the perspective of functional grammar, there may be room for discussion on the equivalence of ''Shebude'' and ''Bu Shede.'' This article presents a comprehensive comparative analysis of semantics, syntax, and pragmatics to help learners use ''Shede'' and ''Bu Shede'' more effectively and accurately. It builds on previous research that views ''Shebude'' and ''Bu Shede'' as negations or homologous inversions of“Shede,”aiming to clarify their distinctions and provide valuable insights for future researchers. Based on a cognitive-functional contrastive analysis combined with corpus analysis, the study found that the meanings of ''Shebude'' and ''Bu Shede'' are essentially the same, with primary differences manifested in syntax and pragmatics. This paper targets Chinese learners who are English native speakers and offers teaching recommendations for ''Shebude'' and ''Bu Shede'' based on the theory of iconicity, grammatical difficulty, and learner orientation. The proposed teaching sequence is structured into four stages: '' Shede '' > '' Shebude'' > '' Bu Shede,'' > Comparison, with detailed instruction on ''Shebude'' and a final comparison of the syntactic and pragmatic differences of ''Bu Shede.''
起訖頁 27-53
關鍵詞 不捨得捨不得對比分析Bu ShedeShebudecontrastive analysis
刊名 華語文教學研究  
期數 202406 (21:2期)
出版單位 世界華語文教育學會
該期刊-上一篇 韓國漢字與台日漢字的字形比較:以現今電腦字型為範圍
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣華語中「不」和「沒」的使用研究:語言發展觀點




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