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Korean Hanja compared with Chinese characters in Taiwan and Japan: Based on the currently used computer font
This study aims to investigate similarities and differences in Chinese character forms among Korea, Taiwan, and Japan. By comparing the character forms used in Korea with those in Taiwan and extending the comparison to Japan, the study sets several parameters for the variations, including stroke, component, semantic and phonetic radicals, and spatial arrangement. These parameters are based on the theoretical frameworks developed by Myers (2019) and Tai (2021) for a systematic analysis of the differences in character forms among the three regions. Data for this study were collected from three sources: 1800 basic characters from South Korea's ''Chinese Classics Textbook Compilation Material,'' 4808 traditional characters from Taiwan's ''Standard and Simplified Characters Reference Manual,'' and 2136 characters from Japan's ''Commonly Used New Kanji Tables.'' The comparison is divided into three parts: between Korean and Taiwanese characters, between Korean and Japanese characters, and among Korean, Taiwanese, and Japanese characters. Their differences are categorized into groups according to the parameters in order to observe the different weights of these parameters. The findings reveal that ''minor differences'' predominate in the comparison between Korean and Taiwanese characters. In contrast, ''differences in components'' are most significant between Korean and Japanese characters. Nonetheless, identical characters constitute the highest percentage among all three regions. The comparison also identifies completely different characters or those without counterparts in other regions. The observations from this study are valuable for Chinese language teachers to identify learning difficulties for Korean and Japanese students and design appropriate teaching strategies accordingly. Meanwhile, these analyses are helpful for Korean and Japanese students to understand the nuanced differences of Chinese characters used in different regions, which can help them with effective and efficient learning of traditional Chinese characters used in Taiwan.
起訖頁 1-25
關鍵詞 日本漢字韓國漢字臺灣正體字變異參數漢字習得Chinese character learningJapanese KanjiKorean HanjaParameters for variationsTraditional Characters
刊名 華語文教學研究  
期數 202406 (21:2期)
出版單位 世界華語文教育學會
該期刊-下一篇 「捨不得」和「不捨得」對比分析與教學建議




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