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Exploring the Use of Bu and Mei in Taiwan Mandarin: A Developmental Perspective
作者 陳淑芬陳純音
Negative sentence expressions are common across languages as negation is a fundamental concept in logic. A negator can scope over verbs and non-verbal elements like adverbials. This study investigated children’s acceptability of bu and mei in negative sentences using two tasks. The first task assessed children's acceptability rates of bu and mei in isolated negative sentences. The second task provided context to see if it increased acceptability rates. Age differences were analyzed across four groups: kindergartners, Grade 2, Grade 4, and Grade 6, with eighteen adults as a control group. The results showed age differences in acquiring bu and mei in negative sentences. Kindergarteners and second graders did not exhibit an adult-like preference for bu and mei with different verb types. By Grade 4, children began to show adult-like preferences, favoring bu with atelic verbs and mei with telic verbs. By Grade 6, children displayed a stronger adult-like preference for bu and mei in single and double negative sentences, reflecting the development of logical reasoning skills. Finally, it was also found that providing context increased the acceptability rates of negative sentences among participants. These findings suggest that understanding the developmental trajectory of negation in a first language can lead to more effective teaching strategies for negation in a second language.
起訖頁 55-91
關鍵詞 母語習得否定語境影響動詞類型contextual influencefirst language acquisitionnegationverb types
刊名 華語文教學研究  
期數 202406 (21:2期)
出版單位 世界華語文教育學會
該期刊-上一篇 「捨不得」和「不捨得」對比分析與教學建議




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