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In its judicial practice concerning the issue of compensation for lost profits, China often adopts the“certainty”standard, commonly rejecting the plaintiff's right to compensation on the basis that the lost profits lack certainty. In other words, the damage to potential benefits must be proven to a considerable degree of certainty for the plaintiff's claim to be supported. This requirement in evidence and procedural law is distinctly different from the rules of causation and foreseeability in substantive law. However, the certainty rule lacks a basis in statutory law in China and should be abandoned in favor of returning to the clearly stipulated preponderance of evidence, thereby relaxing the proof standard for loss of lost profits. The application of the proof standard rule is not a matter of syllogism; a variety of substantive factors together govern the court's judgment on whether the plaintiff's evidence meets the proof standard. If the amount of damage to lost profits is inherently difficult to prove, then the judge should be given the discretion to determine the amount of compensation when the fact of damage is confirmed and the plaintiff has exhausted all means of proof.
起訖頁 821-839
關鍵詞 確定性規則證明標準可預見性優勢證據事實與數額的二分Certainty RuleStandard of ProofForeseeabilityPreponderance of EvidenceFact and Amount
刊名 中外法学  
期數 202405 (213期)
出版單位 北京大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 違法性認識錯誤可避免性:可罰性本質與規範性判斷




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