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Symbolism and connectionism are two classic paradigms of artificial intelligence, leading to rule-based and data-based legal reasoning models, respectively. These models correspond to the age-old jurisprudential proposition of normative closure and cognitive openness. Symbolism emphasizes the closure of norms, while connectionism focuses on the openness of cognition. These two paths represent distinct technological paradigms, underpinned by deep philosophical differences, leading to two entirely different legal development models. Thus, the openness and closure of legal AI encompass a range of important dualistic jurisprudential propositions. Around this dual concept, within the intellectual traditions of formal rational law and substantive rational law, using the conceptual tools of systems theory jurisprudence, the core theoretical propositions of AI in law can be reconstructed. The unilateral drive of big data intelligence technology will provoke profound legal mutations across the social, temporal, and factual dimensions of law. This demands a reevaluation of the functions, domains, processes, and structures of legal AI, defining three types of evolutionary paths. From the dual perspective of normative closure and cognitive openness, more complex legal theories should be developed to design the developmental roadmap for legal AI, guiding the healthy evolution of intelligent law in the digital age.
起訖頁 586-606
關鍵詞 法律人工智能規範封閉認知開放個性化法律反思法Legal Artificial IntelligenceNormative ClosureCognitive OpennessPersonalized LawReflective Law
刊名 中外法学  
期數 202405 (213期)
出版單位 北京大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 羈押人口率:落實少捕慎押的另一個面向
該期刊-下一篇 何以為“庭”?刑事在線庭審制度的基本邏輯與建構路徑




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