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The digital transformation of criminal procedure has gradually extended to the trial stage. The traditional trial procedure based on the physical court space is facing many challenges in the process of digitization. The aggregation functions of the four dimensions of space, time, behavior, and power carried by the physical court under the framework of the existing criminal procedure system are gradually dissolving or alienating, which in turn impacts the criminal procedure rules established accordingly. In this regard, it is necessary to establish a path for the criminal trial system adjustment based on the analysis of the three core elements—that is, participation, information interaction, and display, that serve judicial justice, with the interaction between the physical and digital fields as the logical starting point, and the protection of rights as the foothold. On this basis, the concept of dispute system design is expected to be embedded in the adjustment process. By introducing a hierarchical model of procedural justice, the court structure should be reformed based on the twin relationship between the physical field and the digital field, the digital divide should be bridged through capacity building, and the protection of relevant litigation rights is to be strengthened during the transitional period of digital transformation
起訖頁 607-626
關鍵詞 刑事司法數字化在線庭審場域重構程序正義階層化權利本位改革Digitization of Criminal JusticeOnline TrialsField ReconstructionHierarchical Procedural JusticeRights-Based Reform
刊名 中外法学  
期數 202405 (213期)
出版單位 北京大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 法律人工智能新範式:封閉與開放的二元兼容
該期刊-下一篇 刑事再審案件適用“行為時的法律”的反思──兼論最高人民法院法釋〔1997〕5號第10條的完善




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