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Zeng Jing-lai’s Philosophy of Religion–Contemporary Japanese Buddhist Studies and the Concept of“Buddha”
作者 廖欽彬
This paper explores the possibility of establishing Zeng Jing-lai’s (1902-1977) philosophy of religion by considering“The Concept of ‘Buddha’ in the Āgamas”(1928),“Taiwan’s Religions and Superstitious Practices”(1938), and his discussions on religion and ethics. This paper begins by examining the development of religion in Taiwan during Zeng Jing-lai’s life and the state of Japanese Buddhist studies, which had a significant influence on him as a student, including the rejection by some scholars of the Mahāyāna as not spoken by the Buddha. Then, with the aid of the resarch conducted on contemporary Japanese Buddhism, this paper will investigate Zeng Jing-lai’s understanding of early Buddhism, the theory on the Buddha’s self-originated Wisdom, and his discussion of religions and ethic. These questions will be approached through the study of subjective religious beliefs and objective history, religious studies and Buddhist studies, studies on Buddhist scholasticism and schools, and issues on the universal and particular subjects of the philosophy of religion. Finally, with the principles consitutive of the philosophy of religion (Teaching, Practice, Faith, and Attainment), we shall probe into Zeng Jing-lai’s understanding of the relation between the dharmas and the Buddha, culminating with his claims on the“Non-Singularity of the dharmas and the Buddha”and the“Non-duality of the dharmas and the Buddha”, which open the possibility of a type of universal philosophy of religion.
起訖頁 33-66
關鍵詞 曾景來宗教哲學近代日本佛教佛陀觀原始佛教Zeng Jing-laiphilosophy of religioncontemporary Japanese Buddhismconcept of the Buddhaearly Buddhism
刊名 法鼓佛學學報  
期數 202012 (27期)
出版單位 法鼓文理學院
該期刊-上一篇 日本禪學的近代化與臺灣佛教──以忽滑谷快天與井上秀天為中心
該期刊-下一篇 試探臺灣日治時期之「宗教批判」──以曾景來為例的審視與反思




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