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“Religious Criticism”in Taiwan during the Japanese Occupation Period–A Case Study on Zeng Jing-lai
作者 林建德 (Lin,Chien-te)
Criticism is made in the pursuit of progress; religious criticism is no different. During the Japanese colonial age, Taiwanese religion was also the object of criticism for the purpose of“modernization.”Zeng Jing-lai was one of the representatives of this movement. Zeng Jing-lai, who was deeply influenced by the teachings of the Āgamas, emphasized that the Buddha was an“Enlightened One in the human world”. He criticized both the many malpractices of traditional Buddhism and the superstitions of Taiwanese folk religion. Behind Zeng Jing-lai’s“religious criticism”, we could see the common ideals of other modern Buddhist reformers (such as that of Master Yinshun). However, Zeng Jing-lai’s“religious criticism”, following the official position, viewed“modernization”as a process of“Japanization”(becoming part of the empire), directly or indirectly compromising his ideals of Buddhist and religious reform, subordinating them to political considerations. But considering the special historical context, Zeng Jing-lai may have experienced difficulties regarding his own identity. Thus, it would be necessary to regard this moment in history with a sympathetic understanding.
起訖頁 67-103
關鍵詞 曾景來宗教批判印順法師佛教現代化皇民化Zeng Jing-laiReligious CriticismVen. Yin-shunBuddhist ModernizationImperial Japanization
刊名 法鼓佛學學報  
期數 202012 (27期)
出版單位 法鼓文理學院
該期刊-上一篇 曾景來的宗教哲學──近代日本佛教研究與佛陀觀
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣殖民時期「佛教教化」與「迷信陋習」改革的推動──以曾景來(1902-1977)為中心




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