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A Preliminary Study of the Solar Terms and Food Customs Recorded in Era Zaji (Spring, Summer)
《歲時雜記》(北宋)呂希哲(1039~1116)著,二卷已佚。《歲時廣記》(南宋)陳元靚(生卒年不詳)編撰。《歲時雜記》收錄於《歲時廣記》中,約一百七十二條,是研究宋代以前的歲時民俗重要資料。 《歲時雜記》記載有元旦、立春、人日、上元、二社日、寒食、清明、上巳、佛日、端午、朝節、三伏節、七夕、中元、重九、冬至、臘日、歲除等歲時節日民俗。以春季最多,依次為夏、冬、秋。其內容有飲食、禁忌、藥物、辟邪、祈福、節慶、娛樂等。 本文主旨以《歲時雜記》節日食俗做爬梳研究,並在文內徵引多家歲時記做補充,如《荊楚歲時記》、《東京夢華錄》等。期能讓《歲時雜記》這本歲時民俗不要在歷史長河中湮滅,說明中國古代歲時生活的重要歷史依據。
Era Zaji, divided into two volumes, was written by Lu Xizhe(1039~1116) , called Yuan Ming as well, from Nothern Song Dynasty, both volumes of which have been lost. Era Guangji was compiled by Chen Yuanliang in Southern Song Dynasty. Though Era Zaji has been lost, some of its content, about 172 customs, which is the datum of importance to study folklore before Song Dynasty, was recorded in Era Guangji. Those customs, compiled in Era Guangji, were originally written in Era Zaji, and they are about solar terms and food customs, for instance, the food eaten on New Year's Day, the Beginning of Spring, Renri, Lantern Festival, Spring/ Autumn Pray, Cold Food Fetival, Qingming, Outing Festival, Buddha's Birthday, Dragon Boat Festival, Shiyue Chao, Great Heat, Tanabata, Ghost Festival, Climbing Festival, Winter solstice, Sacrifice Day and New Year's Eve. The most in spring, followed by summer, winter and autumn. Its contents include diet, taboos, drugs, evil spirits, blessings, festivals, entertainment, etc. The main idea of this paper is to do the research on solar terms and food customs based on the data in Era Zaji of Era Guangji. More than thirty references are cited to refer, such as Jade Candle Collection, Tokyo Dream Records and so on to make Era Zaji not disappear in the Chinese literature history and to illustrate the importance of historical basis for ancient Chinese life.
起訖頁 165-212
關鍵詞 《歲時廣記》《歲時雜記》節日食俗Era GuangjiEra ZajiSolar Terms and Food Customs
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 201906 (29期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 《禮記》道德哲學之總體考察
該期刊-下一篇 廣澤尊王信仰與香港福建族群的關係




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