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The Relationship Between the Belief of“Guangzezunwang”and the Fujian Ethnic Group in Hong Kong
2014年6月,香港特區政府公布《香港首份非物質文化遺產清單》,內收錄了香港480項非物質文化遺產,「廣澤尊王誕」獲收錄於第3.13項之中,*逐漸受到香港人重視。 事實上,隨着上世紀六、七十年代的「移民潮」,廣澤尊王信仰也從福建走到香港,植根在香港福建人社區,影響一代又一代的香港閩人。而活躍於今日香港社會的福建人已是移民的第二代,甚至第三代,因應着時代的變遷,以及2009年香港鳳山寺的落成,廣澤尊王信仰也由純粹的宗教信仰,蛻變成具有「連繫族群」功能的社會組織。近年來,主祠廣澤尊王的香港鳳山寺,更與活躍香港多個福建同鄉會組織慢慢互動着,成為了香港福建人的重要聚落。 香港鳳山寺是廣澤尊王祖庭──詩山鳳山寺的分爐。本文希望通過傳統典籍文獻的整理,以及到香港鳳山寺、詩山鳳山寺實地考察與口述歷史的方法,分析廣澤尊王信仰與香港福建族群的關係。
In June 2014, the Hong Kong SAR Government announced the ''First Intangible Cultural Heritage Inventory of Hong Kong'', which is including 480 intangible cultural heritages in Hong Kong. ''Guang Ze Zun Wang's Birthday'' was included in Item 3.13 and was gradually valued by Hong Kong people. . In fact, with the ''immigration tide'' of the 1960s and 1970s, the belief in Guangze Zunwang also moved from Fujian to Hong Kong, and rooted in the Fujian community of Hong Kong. The Fujianese who are active in today's Hong Kong society are the second generation of immigrants, and even the third generation. In response to the changes of the times and the completion of the Fengshan Temple in Hong Kong in 2009, the belief of the Guangze Zunwang has also changed from“Pure religious belief”to“Society's strength”which has ''connecting ethnic group'' function. In recent years, Hong Kong Fengshan Temple has gradually interacted with many Fujian associations in Hong Kong and has become an important gathering of Fujian people in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Fengshan Temple is the sub-furnace of Shishan Fengshan Temple. This paper hopes to analyze the relationship between the Guangze Zunwang belief and the Hong Kong Fujian community through the collation of traditional classics, field visits and oral history in Fengshan Temple and Shishan Fengshan Temple.
起訖頁 213-230
關鍵詞 香港鳳山寺廣澤尊王同鄉會福建南安Hong Kong Fengshan TempleGuangze ZunwangFujianNanan
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 201906 (29期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 《歲時雜記》節日食俗(春、夏季)初探
該期刊-下一篇 舌本生華,妙在含蓄——袁中道批點《舌華錄》話語研究




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