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A Holistic Literature Review on the Moral Philosophy of ''Li-Ji''
本文針對《禮記》道德哲學,作一總體考察,首先釐清道德哲學之界域及內涵,在規範倫理學及功利主義倫理學之外,也可兼從德行倫理學的角度思考,認為三種立場皆各有所見,因為儒學既重視道德動機的純正,也重視行為結果的善成;同時對於人格養成,即如何培養德行卓越的人,也同樣重視;而這第三種向度,頗適合作為研究《禮記》道德哲學的切入點。 本論分別從以下三個層面考察《禮記》道德哲學:其一,《禮記》論修身之道及君子之仁義德養,以《中庸》、《大學》的修身之道,及〈表記〉、〈坊記〉的仁義思想作為立論依據。其二,《禮記》的禮樂教育與人格教育,以〈哀公問〉之禮教,〈經解〉、〈文王世子〉之經典教化及〈禮運〉、〈樂記〉之調節人情,作為考察重點。其三,《禮記》在人格教育上之實踐印證,從〈學記〉、〈冠義〉、〈昏義〉說明對於成人之教的重視,再從〈曲禮〉、〈儒行〉察考君子人格的典範驗證。 儒家道德哲學的特色,即在於政治社會組織的肯定及其實踐旨趣,此即內聖外王之道,及體用合一之旨。《禮記》道德哲學足可借鑒作為研究新儒學在現代開展之參考,提供繼續深入考察的基點,使得禮之內在精神,能做超越古今的繼承,成為改善現代社會發展的重要課題。
This research aims to make a holistic survey on the moral philosophy of ‘Li-Ji’.First, the researcher defines the essence of the moral philosophy of ‘Li-Ji’ including normative ethics, utilitarianism, and virtue ethics. Because Confucians valued good motives as well as good results, and also considered nurturing virtues was important. The literature was reviewed with three dimensions: First, to interpret the moral praxis philosophy of ‘Li-Ji’ with the base of ‘Zhong-Yong’, ‘Da-Xue’, ‘Biao Ji’ and ‘Fang Ji’. Second, to analyze the character education with reviewing the literature of the following chapters: ‘I-Gong Asking’, ‘Jie-Jing’, ‘Son of Wen-King’, ‘Li Yun’ and ‘Yue Ji’. Third, to interpret the education ideal with reviewing the following literatures: ‘Xue Ji’, ‘Guan Yi’, ‘Hun Yi’ ‘Qu Li’ and ‘Ru Xing’. The moral philosophy of Confucianism was to accomplish ‘Nei Sheng Wai Wang’ and ‘Li Ji’ is proposed to re-build the contemporary Confucianism with its special contents and issues.
起訖頁 137-164
關鍵詞 禮記道德哲學牟宗三人格教育內聖外王‘Li-Ji’moral philosophyMou Zong-Sancharacter educationNei Sheng Wai Wang
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 201906 (29期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 影射、誤解、辯駁:辨析阮大鋮戲劇作品中的自我投射
該期刊-下一篇 《歲時雜記》節日食俗(春、夏季)初探




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