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An appraisal on Wang Fu-Ji's Viewpoints of Aesthetics Education
本文以明末清初大儒王船山之美育思想作為研究對象,係因船山哲學思想,體大思精,見解獨特,而目前學界有關船山美育思想已有之研究,質量較少,且論據資料不足,缺乏系統論述。因此本論文企圖較全面地從整體文化層面,運用較多船山著作中與美育思想相關文獻,對於王船山美育思想部分加以評析。 本論文共分六節,其一是前言,說明研究旨趣、範圍及方法步驟。 其二是說明船山美育思想之人性基礎,探討船山的世界觀及人性論,及其與教育學習理論之關聯。主張理在氣中,「繼善成性」,「習與性成」。 其三則論述船山美育思想之特色為道藝相成,善美一致;及其美育目的為形成完整人格,培養虛實合一,身心交泰之彬彬君子。 其四是說明船山美育思想之本質,係藉「游於藝」涵育天地民物於一念之中。而美育的實施歷程為合詩、禮、樂於一致,並以至善端其始教。美育功能則以「思無邪」興起善端,而後詩之興觀群怨能正其是非,發揚詩教功能。 其五是論述船山美育思想在政教層面之實施,以「教本政末」為原則,但施行上須是政先立而後教可行,故制邑安民然後興學,以成就風俗人情之美,且以「五至三無」為理想目標。而在教育措施方面,主張孝弟為本,禮樂為文,重視「養老」納入大學之功效。並重視課後之藝能學習,主張道在器中,學藝相輔。 其六是結語,總說船山美育思想之內涵特色及其價值。
This essay is to explore Wang Fu-Ji's viewpoints of aesthetics education according to Wang's main originals. The first section includes the prelude, research dimensions and methodology. The second section explores Wang's theory of human nature and its relations with learning theory. He argued the importance of learning and habits underlying the good human nature. The third section discourses the characteristics of Wang Fu-Ji's aesthetics education, and the ideal human images according to the aims of aesthetics education. It's an image of integrated gentleman. The fourth section analyzes the process of aesthetics education and its functions. The learning freedom of art education in poetry, moral responses and music makes the educational functions realized. The fifth section interprets Wang's ideal implements of aesthetics education in the political and cultural areas. The last section concludes the valuation of Wang Fu-Ji's viewpoints of aesthetics education.
起訖頁 89-113
關鍵詞 王夫之審美教育習與性成游於藝思無邪Wang Fu-Ji(王夫之)Aesthetics Education(審美教育)Learning habits underlying Human Nature(習與性成)Learning Freedom of Art Education(游於藝)Thinking without Evil(思無邪)
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 200712 (6期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 感官的魅惑與權力的重塑——台灣九○年代女性嗅覺小說書寫探析
該期刊-下一篇 淺論傳統方志與文學研究




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