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Allure of Senses and Restructure of Power–Analysis on Female Novelists' Writing on“Olfaction”in the 90's of Taiwan
如同朱天心對於嗅覺的說法:「——就好比我剛剛說的那種活生生的記憶,甚至非常官能的、氣味的,與藝術家文學家身後遺下的抽象的文字、作品什麼的完完全全不同的——」1感官世界所建構出的世界與現今社會所建立出的運作模式,是兩種絕然不同的世界。只是哪個是真?哪個是偽?抑或哪個是現在?哪個是未來? 也許因為性別天生地影響了感官的敏感度,台灣當代小說中以感官書寫作一主軸者,女性作家以此為題材的作品多過於男性作家。而其中用感官當作觀察與解析社會變遷者,又以嗅覺書寫為最重要的書寫對象。女性作家透過嗅覺來書寫台灣在世紀末的變遷,進來地檢視人性、社會、價值觀等議題之探討。而本論文即以文本用嗅覺書寫小說來界說論題之「嗅覺小說」之意函。 只是,「嗅覺小說」在九○年代的大量書寫,是否有其意圖或寓意?是本論文所以探討之內容,透過小說文本的詮釋與閱讀,檢視台灣在九○年代在舊世紀的結束與新世紀的到來時,人性是如何的異化,台灣社會產生何種質變的現象。本論文討論的文本則以朱天文〈世紀末的華麗〉、朱天心〈匈牙利之水〉及施叔青〈微醺彩妝〉三篇小說為討論對象。
Just like Chu,Tien-hsin says“Those vivid memories were full of sensuality and smells, totally different from those abstract words or articles written by the artists or writers.”The rules of the world of senses were absolutely different from those of the world of today's society. The question is that which is real, and which is imaginary. Or, which is current, and which is the future. Maybe gender naturally influenced human beings' sensitivity on senses. Therefore, there were more female writers' works focused on senses than male writers' in Taiwan. And among five senses, Olfaction, the sense of smell, was the most important writing subject in observing and analyzing society's transformation. Through writing on Olfaction, female writers examined humanity, society, and values' changes in the 90's of Taiwan. This study is focus on the meaning and implication of“Olfaction Fictions”. This study will discuss on whether the phenomenon, huge amount of“Olfaction Fictions”appeared in the 90's of Taiwan, has its intentions or messages. By interpreting these fictions, we could examine how humanity diversified, and what basic transformations occurred in Taiwan society during the turning of Centuries. This study is based on the following three fictions:“The Splendors of Fin de Siecle”by Chu, Tien-Wen,“Hungarian Water”by Chu,Tien-hsin, and“Tipsy Make-Up”by Shi, Shu-qing.
起訖頁 75-87
關鍵詞 朱天文朱天心施叔青嗅覺小說世紀末ChuTien-WenChu,Tien-hsinShiShu-qingOlfaction FictionsFin de Siecle
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 200712 (6期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 走出妖怪城堡:陳燁《半臉女兒》的生命史書寫
該期刊-下一篇 王船山美育思想評析




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